Wednesday, 13 February 2013

final trimester, final straws

Things are calming down around here, the pregnancy has brought me to yet the next layer of simplifying and slowing down. Recognising I can do less, manage less, juggle less. In a wholesome pregnancy book this would be a celebrated time where I would honour my body and surrender to the process. I'm getting there.... noticing loads of negative mind chatter and frustration, but I hope I'm letting go where I can. I have protestant-work-ethic running in my veins, even when I least expect it there's self-blame and guilt just waiting to plague me!

Blackberry and I have gone grain-free for Lent which gave me the boost of creativity I needed this morning. It was her idea and whilst it might be harder work, I'm really welcoming the change. We had been getting bored with our menu. I followed this diet in the first trimester and it really helped with the nausea because it keeps the blood sugar levels more steady. I'm hoping it may help now with the exhaustion and certainly today I've been more even-keel with physical and emotional worlds. Slower, but I'm still fairly steady at the end of the day whereas over-burning earlier in the day has meant massive exhaustion in the afternoons and evenings, the last week or two.

I wanted to share a very good-humoured jest with a friend today where we were talking about those times when we're not sure home ed is the right thing, when we're in an ebb. She referred to it as having the boarding school on speed dial!

There's been a ripple of interest in chemistry with pH levels and cleaning coins with vinegar for Blackberry. Drying out orange peel in different ways. Pestle and mortar experiments and recipe finding for the Lent diet. Loads of outdoor time and knitting.
Elderflower's still the one who welcomes a bit of working from books most days with English and Maths. Its just one slice of the pizza as the largest chunk of her learning comes from noticing the things around her and the conversations we have. Animals, birds and the dawn of private reading.
Sunburst has gently been introduced to s-a-t-n-i-p phonemes, feels a bit early to me but not to him! Lego constructions are a favourite especially when wearing a cape. Imagination of a creative giant, sometimes we lose track of what has happened and what has been dreamed up, he holds us all in his story-telling genius.

Just non-stop development all day every day, all of them. Trying to list it leaves so much out that its difficult to know how to chart or prove or quantify what's been learned. The Local Education Authority visitor was totally satisfied with our provision so I guess we must have enough 'evidence' even if what can be seen on paper or learned about in a 2 hour home visit only scratches the surface of each family member's growth, development and education journey!

Bye for now, a calm and gestating Weststar :)


  1. Just wanted to stop by and say a resounding THANK YOU for such a lovely compliment about my book 'A Funny Kind Of Education' you left on my blog. I felt really moved by your comment. Especially since you confirmed that it had done what I really set out to do - try and normalise Home Ed a bit and to inspire people with some ideas. So to read your message was a double joy. x Would you be offended if I asked if you'd like to reiterate it on Amazon as what this would do is help raise awareness of the book and therefore the HE option, as I'm hoping to reach those parents still unaware of it. Another aim of the book.
    But thank you again for your lovely words.
    Meanwhile, I'm so glad I found your blog; it's great - I've added it to my list.
    All best wishes.

    1. Yes Ross, I'm really happy to visit amazon and leave some feedback :) I ordered it from our library who bought it in and I was only allowed it for one innings as it had already been requested by someone else, so I'm sure the ripple effect has begun already :) Best wishes, hope you enjoyed your day with Charley! And glad you like this blog - Welcome x


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