Saturday, 6 October 2012

The Home Ed Treatment

I've been to a concert this evening of inspiring heart felt music from a couple based in Dartmoor, Carolyn Hillyer and Nigel Shaw. You can find them here.

They sang of the land, of freedom and of our ancient roots.

So I'm remembering the revolution of choosing home ed and how it felt initially (and still feels now, especially when watching friends still factoring school in, I feel so released from this pattern that didn't work for me). A phenomenal freedom I had not even dreamed of.

And I'm deeply aware that there are other areas of our life that need The Home Ed Treatment - the Leap of Faith!! The Stepping into the Darkness with Trust and Fearlessness.

  • I'd like to stop paying a mortgage that we can't afford.
  • I'd like to spend more time based in the countryside with the rivers and the trees and some silence.
  • I'd like to continue centralising the need for a close community of like-minded friends, cut out the distractions and the doubts.
  • I'd like to stay focused on my individual growth, so as to model this within the family, nurturing growth and evolution for us all.

It is only when we release ourselves from the things that are not working that we can make way for the new. It takes courage and is immediately rewarded by expansiveness, fresh open breath, and the knowledge that we are more powerful than we could ever imagine. Go For It!


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