Today I've been practising the art of staying out of Learning's way. Not physically, as we're all in pretty close proximity around here :) but keeping my thoughts to myself a lot, watching my habit of suggesting, asking and generally butting in to the children's flow. Keeping my focus on my own thing, preparing food, making a card for a friend, other jobs about me, following my own flow which all contributes to letting them follow their own. Also playing, joining in, as appropriate when the (many) opportunities came.
In the Shift film I mentioned (Wayne Dyer) there's a simple sequence where he speaks to a mother of two about how children have their own internal compass - "Let them use it". Rather than 'Can you get your shoes on?', 'Can you brush your hair?', 'Pick up your things now please', 'Can I help you stick that poster up?' (so its more pleasing to my eye and not on the wonk!), 'I think you'll find it easier like this' etc.etc.
Part of this process is about letting go of my ego (or whatever you want to call it)'s hold on what
should be happening - a lot of my comments and queries are from a place of anxiety or need for control. It was really relaxing to let go of them, I thoroughly enjoyed the day, handing over this need to grip hold of how the day is shifting.
(I also had a gluten and sugar free day accidentally which may contribute to me feeling calmer)
Here's a list of what happened (and this was all before we got out of our pyjamas!) Again, this is simply what presented itself without me managing anything or leading particularly - except perhaps the spelling and numbers bit with Elderflower which naturally unfolded that way, simply doing as much as she wanted without pushing it. The rest of it was their own flow.
Elderflower recognised an aerial picture of a hurricane and the eye.
We talked about which of our relatives may be able to tell us what it was like to live through the second world war.
Some discussion about dinosaurs, skeletons, fossils, eggs and how the archeologists and scientists have come up with the images of what they think they looked like
The end of the dinosaurs, volcano, meteorite - ice age, whats that, how does it happen?
Pyramids, can you lift one?
Putting up posters, negotiating where to put them.
Blackberry read a story to E and S over breakfast.
Why gloves sometimes have the thumb pointing upwards rather than lying flat - the physiology of the hand.
Counting 1-10 Sunburst
Holidays - why does it take so long to get there?
Game of Happy Families with Flags of the World
Drawing pictures of butterflies and labelling them
Elderflower reading our last chapter together, savouring the book (not wanting it to end!), some spellings, some numbers - practising how hundreds look
Blackberry makes some small bags for her siblings and cousins out of fabric with her sewing machine and puts in some conker pets in them, wraps them all up, labels to give to them later.
Checking out the height chart and seeing if it can be cheated.
I stopped writing the list at midday when we had our lunch. Had a lovely day x