Wednesday, 2 May 2012

wobble number seventy-four

I wonder if this was my last wobble of our first year's home educating. It peaked in that week after Easter when schools were back in and we weren't quite in our rhythm yet.

Chaos I think was the cause. And I'd like to learn to love chaos if at all possible! Much is there in its midst to grow and develop through - it is a time when all roads present themselves... ooo I feel a song coming on!

George Harrison: Any Road

I love this: there is such peace in remembering that each footstep takes us to the same place essentially. Whatever will be will be.

In the moments which can stretch to days where I doubt our choice or I have a niggle about one of the kids perhaps not being best off, whether I Fret or not, moments and days continue to unfold and the moment passes. I trust that if the moment did not pass I would naturally act on it.

This time my path crossed with a friend, mum of 5 school-goers, who's youngest brother was home educated when she herself was in her late teens, twenties. She simply said, you've got to give it a few years really to know haven't you? And in those words I found the peace I was looking for (still my occasional need to be given permission to do what I'm doing, sure, and maybe thats how I managed to conjure up just the person I needed to deliver the line!!)

There's only so much that the human brain can grasp, thank heavens. Rational thought tends to tie me up in knots. Going with the flow is my favourite. Its all practice.

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