Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Back after the Easter break

It took a long while to get back into our flow after our break. I felt it was like the self motivation needed for self-employment as an individual, only magnified because the kids were waiting for our cue. I became interested in what was pressuring me to get going again, also what was at play to make me see a difference between learning out and about over the break and 'real work' (?) back at the house.

Mostly I guess this is the collective consciousness of 2 week break then back to the 'hard grind'. If you don't at least look busy then you're not part of society's team.

Also though its simply an urge to have a familiar rhythm back. I feel the children still need that modelled for them, when we slot back into a certain structure or flow of the day we each know where we are a little more.

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