Thursday, 22 March 2012

Love spelled T.I.M.E.

I touched on a book some years ago called 'What Mothers Do' by Naomi Stadlen
It lays out on the page. descriptions of mothering to replace some absurd but deeply rooted belief that it looks like nothing.

I have recently needed to come back to this reevaluation of my role as I've been plagued with unconscious thoughts that somehow home educating is a doss, a drop out of society thing, something to do to allay our frustrations at being unemployed for the third year in a row, suffocating our children's right to have fun in school, irresponsible, selfish; the list could go on if I chose to let it.

Through conversation with our life coach who herself home educated, Sally Lever (here's an excellent article she has written about this), I have been working to listen to those demons and put them to rest. Here, Sally talks about valuing what we do, accepting support and payment from wherever it comes as exchange for the work we do.

And so I rustily tried this technique of honouring what I do and I really recommend it because like any exchange where one is giving time and presence in any space in our communities, by choosing to home educate, we are contributing priceless amounts into the present and the future.

I still struggle I think with allowing myself the choice to do this and realising, really realising, that there is no one to answer to, no one to request permission from to personally oversee my children's education and life preparation. Its a taste of freedom long forgotten through lifetimes and I embrace it lovingly.

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