Monday, 17 October 2011

when to lead and when to be led

OK so i got a bit cocky. its all been going well for about a week - woo hoo. A winning plan has been setting up little learning experiences around the home, particularly in the mornings -- lace cards, washing line low down, that was this morning. April very much appears to be self teaching, reading her books in bed, following her own flow. I feel very much still in this deschooling state with her in particular.

Today a friend came round and introduced the idea of going to the woods for chestnuts. J didn't want to go, ill. I seize the moment, chuck veg in a pan for soup when we get back and we go. Its good.

We come back have soup and then kids are playing.....
Its Monday, we normally go swimming on a Monday afternoon..... I fall back on this plan, even though the kids are playing pretty well... stick to the plan stick to the plan...

The plan kind of pushed us too far tiredness wise. Particularly when I then tried to entice my middle into number line thinking when we got back ??!! (no idea where the sense to try that came from , other than thats what I wanted to try in my head last night..!) But heh its ok - I've stopped jumping to the conclusion that we should give up home ed every time i have a wobble (even though my middle casually asked to go back to school at tea time following my clumsy number line silliness....)

All good. Even on this bad day, it is not compounded by seeing lots of others  and spinning off into other trips... I am missing good solid meal preparing support, but I always was during the school years too so thats nothing new. Getting better at asking for help :)

I just pushed it

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