Months have passed and I feel firmly both feet in our home ed lifestyle. It has been a coming home for me literally, claiming our children back and developing a new relationship as a family growing together.
I will chart a little about what each child has been up to on the other blog, but I have been increasingly aware that any linear developmental mapping is not easily achieved! We are building upon knowledge, understanding, skill bases that are changing every day. Our school day is not a fixed one, nor is it restricted to daytime. The freedom to notice just how each child develops is continuing to be a total joy. It is more of a fractal, ever moving onwards, backwards, sideways in an ebbing and flowing wave of life.
I can however record what we've been up to, just that lot of the learning is 'between the lines' so to speak.
Still learning how to balance all the needs within this new shape. I am alone for a few hours to address lots of thoughts/jobs that I have put off during the busy days! Hence the chance to write a little on this blog!
How wonderful would it be if accepting this fractal of movement within human experience became more understood? Letting ourselves be with our ebbs and flows, knowing that together we are that shape, not imperfections when we stray from a rigid 'norm' but simply part of an ever flowing biorhythm...
I will let my thoughts unfold (similarly accepting the randomness of my own thoughts/learnings/developings and not trying to pin them down), enjoying the witness that this blog allows.
Thanks for reading.